About Us

The challenge facing everyone today in blood service delivery is to ensure a safe and sustainable blood supply. This can be achieved only through recruitment and retention of voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors who donate through altruistic, humanitarian motives. It is well documented that there is generally no particular resistance to blood donation or reluctance to donate blood. In many instance people do not donate simply because no one has ever asked them to do so.

Even in this era of high technology, instant and mass communication, the invitation to give blood has not reached many potential donors. The situation today is that the nation is facing acute blood shortages.

Rakta Kranti is an attempt to bring in 100% Voluntary blood donation in Bangalore by taking the message of blood donation straight to the community.

Rakta Kranti aims at organizing efficient and well organized blood donation drives with standards that are comparable to the best in the world. We bring to the donor all the information relating to blood donation that makes him/her absolutely comfortable and confident about the process. The same information ensures that the donor himself/herself is in a position to demand quality from the blood banks if not given.

On the other front, under this project we ensure that the blood supply to the city is regularized by organizing blood donation drives in a planned manner. We ensure that there no blood donation camp is help when the stocks of blood are good. By this, every using of blood donated during our blood donation drives are more useful and helpful to the patient.

Rakta Kranti also carefully monitors the working of the blood banks. Any blood banks that do not hold donor safety and well being in the highest regard are not helped by us. We only help the progressive blood banks that are open to sharing the blood that they collect with the needy in all parts of the city without any bias or preferences. The choice of the blood banks is carefully made looking at their stocks of blood, the camps that they are receiving n their own and the willingness of the blood bank to change the procedures it is following for the better over a period of time.