Blood Drive Coordinator's Role

The Roles of the Blood Drive Coordinator are:

  1. Coordinate all campaign details with Sankalp and Blood banks
  2. Direct the other coordinators and monitor all aspects of the drive.
  3. Keep the higher authorities informed.
  4. Keep track of the progress of the camp and ensure things are on track.
  5. Afterwards, evaluate the success of the blood drive and schedule the next one.

Coordinate all campaign details with Sankalp and Blood banks

The Blood Drive Coordinator is the point of contact for Sankalp and Blood Banks. The Blood Drive Coordinator must work out when, what and how about the campaign is discussion with Sankalp Volunteers.

Direct the other coordinators and monitor all aspects of the drive.

The responsibility if the drive coordinator is to ensure that each one of the other coordinator are clear about what they need to do. The drive coordinator is the arbitrator in all matters relating to the drive.

Keeping Higher Authorities Informed

The Drive Coordinator also informs the higher management periodically about the preparation for the drive. This will ensure their greater support and participation.

Keep track of the progress of the camp and ensure things are on track

The drive coordinator must ensure that things are happening on time and that each individual task is taken care of well in advance.

The Evaluation of Success

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the entire campaign is another responsibility of the drive coordinator. Based on the inferences, he/she should lay guidelines for the future.